The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: fools despise wisdom and instruction-Proverbs 1:7
Ministry Leader: Rev. Glenn Carter
The Young Masters is a ministry designed to infuse the principals of team sports into everyday life for young people. The first precept is that every body needs somebody and we are all members of the body of Jesus Christ.

- God has passed the ball of salvation to us through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
- It is up to us to receive this pass and pass it to others.
- When we score a goal, it is to help the team of Christian believers reach the point of defeating the enemy/opponent.
- If we make one mistake or miss our assignment/opportunity to help our teammate in Christ we could leave someone open to the attacks of the enemy/opponent.
- We have to be aware every moment during the game of life and listen to the coach and follow the game plan that he has set forth.
- If young people execute properly and take advantage of their opportunities, they will win far more than they lose and at the same time be prepared for the attacks of the enemy/opponent.
The game plan is for young people to apply these precepts to everyday life every day. This means a steady reliance upon the Lord to help navigate the rigors of living in this world and keeping in their sights the ultimate goal of staying kingdom-bound and victorious.
We also hope to teach respect for the word of God that is tool for navigation through life. Learning about God at an early age can only enhance their life skills. Just like in basketball, there are going to be many opportunities where a decision will have to be made and sometimes those decisions come in a split-second. Young people need to be prepared to make the right decision when there is time to think and spiritually aware when the decision has to be made right away. Being properly grounded in the word of God can prepare for those quick decisions that could change their directions in life in a split-second. The game and the victory can sometimes hinge upon what they do in that split-second. They could miss their assignment and fall to the opponent or they could score the goal and claim their victory.